Old Beijing Sour Plum Soup

Sale price$9.99


Old Beijing Sour Plum Decoction selects high-quality ingredients, such as black plum to remove oil and greasy, sweet-scented osmanthus to dissolve phlegm and blood stasis, mint to clear heat and detoxify, licorice to nourish skin, hawthorn to reduce lipid and blood pressure, and rock sugar to nourish qi and lungs. Sour plum soup not only removes greasy, but also rich in nutrients such as organic acids, citric acid, vitamin B2 and crude fiber.
No additives, 0 fat, pure natural, slimming and detoxification, nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach, calming down anger, in hot summer, you and your family need a cup of cold sour plum soup to have a cool summer

Babies can also drink it for babies who don’t like to eat and don’t like fruits and vegetables, and they will become appetizing when they are healthy and relieve the heat. The sweet and sour children’s favorite. One pack can cook 2500ml sour plum soup

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